University of Wisconsin-Madison


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Online MBA students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Wisconsin School of Business stand out in today’s tech-driven, agile, and always-changing business world. They split their time between one weekend each month on campus with online classes. Distance learners also learn from world-class instructors and top business leaders as they gain skills and apply them immediately to their work environments. Why is a hybrid online and on-campus format the way to go? Because as a working professional, one’s time, skill development, and connections are significant.

Business School

Wisconsin School of Business students can find their unique paths in business. They can customize their education as they find programs for every milestone they seek. Undergraduate students can choose from eleven majors featuring unparalleled career prep, making them ready to take on anything. Specialized master’s programs give on-campus and online students hands-on programs with focused skills resulting in dream careers.

The business school’s career-boosting programs include a full-time, flexible MBA program with executive options to jumpstart one’s ambition. Program leaders teach critical thinking that leads to innovative business models, cutting-edge technologies, and solutions to help businesses grow and thrive in an ever-evolving market landscape.

Online MBA Requirements

Online MBA students build the skills needed to advance. They also gain insights for a lifetime of leadership. Distance degree students develop strategic skills and technical know-how for challenges at work today and in their subsequent, high-level business roles. Students learn tools in class and apply them at work the next day. They also build a portfolio of abilities to make them eligible for advanced positions. Online MBA students can take two and five years to complete their degree.

Year one of this program features a Core Cohort Experience. MBA students become part of a curated team from diverse professional backgrounds. They learn and work together as they take foundational leadership and business courses.

Year two and beyond allows students to customize their MBA. They take between one and four additional years to complete their degree. MBA students select three-month-long units of coursework and earn business discipline badges essential to them and their career growth. Four badges are required to complete the distance degree. Each badge includes three courses.

Application Requirements

The Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has always employed a holistic admissions process. The admissions committee considers all applications based on merit. In its approach, a “perfect candidate profile” does not exist. Business school leaders seek diverse interests, backgrounds, and professional experience. These elements elevate classroom discussion, empower team projects, and add meaning to experiential learning.

A qualified application includes all answers to required essay questions, an optional essay, a current résumé, and one professional recommendation. Potential students must also submit all official transcripts with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Elements include standardized test scores or waivers, work experience, and an interview.


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